Crime Wave Press closes

Crime Wave Press Fiction

With great sadness, Hans and Tom have decided to wind down Crime Wave Press after publishing 37 crime novels from around the world in the past 12 years.

Several of our titles were published in foreign languages and as audio books, a few were optioned for movie rights. We’re proud to have shifted tens of thousands of e-book and print copies to the four corners of the world.

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with great authors and to communicate directly with so many of you. But an increasingly monopolistic market and falling revenues mean we are no longer able to sustain the company with the proceeds and promote our titles effectively, let alone run in a profitable manner.

We thank of all of you sincerely for having purchased our titles, for having supported our authors and more generally, for having supported independent publishing.

We’d also like to take the opportunity here to thank our PR manager Chris Roy for his exceptional work with CWP.

Some of our titles will remain available for the time being and can be found on Amazon.

Crimes will continue to be committed and books about crime will be continue to be popular.

Keep reading the good stuff and keep riding the crime wave!

Tom & Hans