Reigning in the Mutiny – 15 Questions about Writing

Name: Tom VaterNationality: German, Asia-basedOccupation: Writer, editorCurrent publication: Tom Vater’s new book SHARKMAN, is out now. Order on Amazon.Recommendations: Where to even start …Two pieces of music that affected me – Exile on Main Street by the Rolling Stones and Bitches Brew by Miles Davis.Two books that affected me – Youth by Joseph Conrad and […]

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The Green Panthers just 99 cents at Kobo until October 16th

It’s Spooky Stories promotion week at Kobo’s and my new eco-thriller, The Green Panthers, is just 99cents until October 16th!!! Meet Clara Green, Emerald, Chartreuse, Olive, Hunter, Juniper and Forest. They are The Green Panthers: a privately sponsored, multi-national underground army, on a mission to hold corporate polluters to account.During the attempted rescue of […]

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