Apparently deluded author Jared Diamond sells stone dead notion of progress in book about tribal peoples

An interesting article on apparently deluded author Jared Diamond suggesting progress is an element intrinsic to human societies and that “tribal warfare tends to be chronic, because there are not strong central governments that can enforce peace” has been published in The Guardian. Sounds fascist to me and plays right into the hands of absolutist […]

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From the Archives: The Greatest Show On Earth – Trailer!

The trailer for the first documentary film I worked on (screenplay and production manager), The Greatest Show on Earth, can now be viewed on director Marc Eberle’s website. The 30 min documentary follows Alok Sharma, the top policeman in charge of the 2001 Maha Kumbh Mela, the largest gathering of people on planet earth, ever! Being […]

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Tom Vater is the Daily Telegraph’s Bangkok Expert!

I am very pleased to announce that I am the new Bangkok expert for The Daily Telegraph. My intitial destination guide to Bangkok has just gone online – featuring sights, hotels, restaurants, shopping, and yes, even a few tipps on Bangkok‘s sometimes notorious, often hilarious and never boring nightlife! I will be updating the guide […]

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