The Irrawaddy Literary Festival – A Mirror to Burma’s Continuing Uncertainties

I am at the second Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Mandalay, organized by Jane Heyn, the wife of the former British ambassador to Myanmar. This second festival is held in Mandalay and has been in preparation for almost a year. Top writers appearing this time around include Jung Chang, Louis de Bernieres, and Thant Myint U. […]

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Crime Wave Press at the Irrawaddy Literary Festival

Very happy to travel to this year’s Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Mandalay, Burma from February 13th to 17th. Crime Wave Press will set off with a small delegation – author Jame DiBiasio, co-counder Hans Kemp and myself will be giving readings and participating in panel discussions. Looking forward to meeting lots of other authors, and […]

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Burmese Light in The Wall Street Journal

“For the armchair traveler, Mr. Kemp’s “Burmese Light” may be the most entertaining introduction to the country. Originally from the Netherlands, Mr. Kemp has lived in the region since the 1980s and is known for books from Vietnam and Cambodia. “‘Burmese Light’ is really about this moment in transition,” he explained before the book’s launch […]

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Burmese Light reviewed by Marco Ferrarese at Rolf Potts’ Vagablogging

Burmese Light, my new non fiction with photographer Hans Kemp, was reviewed by Marco Ferrarese at Vagablogging, the acclaimed website of travel writer Rolf Potts. “Impressions of the Golden Land” is quite an apt subtitle for Burmese Light as this book literally brings to the table (a coffee-table, to be precise) two kinds of impressions. […]

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