Interviewed by Debbi Mack

Crime Wave Press Writer´s Corner

I was interviewed by New York Times best selling author Debbie Mack the other day about my latest novel, The Monsoon Ghost Image, my publishing house Crime Wave Press and the eternal Travis McGee.

Debbi: [00:01:03]  So my assumption is that you started with journalism and went into crime writing. Would that be correct?

Tom: [00:01:14] Well, actually it sort of happened hand-in-hand, because the first article I ever wrote for a newspaper was in 1997 for a paper in Nepal. And while I was there I started thinking about writing my first novel The Devil’s Road to Kathmandu, which then eventually came out in 2004. So it it kind of happened at the same time. But I would say that you know between the pieces of fiction I write there are long gaps for professional reasons. And so most of the time I have a day job. I do journalism and when I have some months off and I can sit down and write a novel.

Debbi: [00:02:02] So you’re primarily a journalist who also does crime writing?

Tom: [00:02:07] Yeah, you could say that. I also own a small publishing house Crime Wave Press, which is a crime fiction imprint based in Hong Kong which does mostly e-books and we’ve published about 32 titles by all sorts of authors, many of them from the US. So that’s my other gig. So I kind of do three different things I’m a crime fiction writer, I’m a very small press publisher with have just one partner, and I’ve written four crime fiction novels and a bunch of short stories.

You can listen to or read the full interview here.

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