Better late than never – my guide to Thai New Year in The Daily Telegraph

I was away in the Himalayas for most of this month and missed Thai New Year – Songkran which took place from 13thto 16th April. I did however, just prior to leaving, put together a guide to the festivities in The Daily Telegraph, so here. belatedly, is my run down and if you are researching […]

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Chinese New Year in The Daily Telegraph…and on the streets of Bangkok.

My photo caption in The Daily Telegraph hardly does justice to the surreal, red tinged mayhem I witnessed in Bangkok’s Chinatown today. Dancing dragons, lots of police, thousands of people dressed in red,  as a weirdly strong wind blew up Yaowarat Road, as if a spaceship in the shape of a waving golden cat was […]

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Thailand: Is the party over for now? The effect of the curfew on tourism – in The Daily Telegraph

As the military relaxes the curfew imposed following last week’s coup, Tom Vater reports on how strictly it is being enforced in Thailand’s party hot spots… Read the full story here. Photograph by Aroon Thaewchatturat at the Full Moon Party in Ko Panghan, Thailand

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Fears over safety of tourists in Phuket – Natalie Paris interviews me in The Daily Telegraph Natalie Paris reports in The Daily Telegraph on the state of Phuket, Thai holiday island, long in the grip of mafias and gangsters. I add my two Baht worth. Read the full story here. Tom Vater, Telegraph Travel’s expert in Bangkok, said that while Thailand remains a safe and attractive destination overall, visitors to […]

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