Sacred Skin reviewed in Thai Guide to Thailand blog!



My new book, Sacred Skin – Thailand’s Spirit Tattoos, has been reviewed by Thai Guide to Thailand blog this week.

“Information in easy to understand plain English about Sak Yant, the Magic Tattoo or Buddhist Tattoo has been hard to find – until now. Sacred Skin – Thailand’s Spirit Tattoos is a new book by Tom Vater with photography by Aroon Thaewchatturat. Sacred Skin uncovers the mysteries of Sak Yant, which has been a spiritual tradition in Southeast Asia for centuries and is now deeply embedded in Thai culture.

Presented in clear and precise sections, Sacred Skin takes us from the origins of Sak Yant with details of some of the most famous Sak Yant Masters right through to modern day culture. Information about the spiritual and physical benefits that Sak Yant will bestow as well as rules for the sak Yant devotee are clearly explained and there is a useful glossary included. The photography in the book is simply stunning with photographs of many of the most popular Sak Yant designs……”

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