Ko Pha Ngan: Thailand’s tropical refuge, then and now – My long read at Travelfish

My latest reportage is a long read on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand, with eye witness accounts going back to the 1940s. I arrived on Koh Phangan on March 17th 2020 to update a German language guidebook on the Gulf islands. A few days after my arrival, the update was canceled, thanks to […]

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Koh Phangan – Thailand’s Tropical Refuge Then & Now – out with Travelfish on October 1st

My long read, a lively history of Koh Phangan in Thailand, home of the infamous Full Moon Party and so much more, is out with Travelfish on October 1st. I interviewed numerous residents, both Thai and foreigners, providing eye witness accounts dating back to the 1940s, with great anecdotes and intriguing insights on island life.

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Die 2. Auflage meines CT Angkor und Siem Reap erscheint heute

Heute erscheint die 2. Auflage meines Reiseführers zu den Tempeln Kambodschas – City Trip Angkor und Siem Reap im Verlag Reise Know How. Text von mir. Fotos von Aroon Thaewchatturat. Beschreibung: Drei tropische Inselparadiese im Golf von Thailand, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten und daher für jeden auch noch so verwöhnten Strandliebhaber etwas zu bieten […]

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