The Most Secret Place on Earth (The CIA Covert War in Laos) trailer clocks 22.000 hits on YouTube.



The trailer for The Most Secret Place on Earth (The CIA Covert War in Laos), directed by Marc Eberle and co-authored by Tom Vater, has clocked more than 22.000 hits on YouTube.

1 thought on “The Most Secret Place on Earth (The CIA Covert War in Laos) trailer clocks 22.000 hits on YouTube.

  1. Have we missed what was so special about these events? Without denigrating the actions of the people who served in Laos during this time and surely felt that they were doing what we all felt (at the time): making the world safe for democracy, in the light of what ultimately happened, was it really effective (or efficient)? Laos is not a western democracy, Vietnam fell under the control of the then Communist led North. However, the Berlin Wall tumbled, eastern European countries fell out of the Communist orbit; even Russia itself disassembled into its various regional components. Yugoslavia reverted to its ethnic geographical parts. None of this has been without bloodshed and heartbreak. Has all this then seemingly been without Western intervention? Remembering the Indonesian coup of September 30 1965: the CIA Indonesian desk were without knowledge of this as far as I know, having worked in the area. Should the USA ever have tried to play god? And do they still?

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